Friday, May 06, 2005

Pro-Choice Champion Award


1993 - Catherine MacKinnon & Andrea Dworkin
1994 - Pat Ireland & Sharon Pratt Kelly & Eleanor Holmes Norton
1995 - Kate Michelman & Frances Kissling & Eleanor Smeal
1996 - Gloria Feldt & Dianne Feinstein & Barbara Milkuski
1997 - Jesse Jackson & Ted Kennedy & Barbara Boxer
1998 - Connie Morela & Kathleen Townsend Kennedy & Steny Hoyer
1999 - Hilliary Clinton & Bill Clinton & Paul Sarbanes
2000 - Al Gore & Tipper Gore & Joseph Lieberman
2001 - Peter Singer & Kim Gandy & Gloria Steinem
2002 - David Satcher, MD & Ann Richards & Nancy Pelosi
2003 - Madeline Albright & Whoopi Goldberg & Tyne Daly
2004 - John Kerry & John Edwards & Kweisi Mfume

2005 - Arlen Spector & Arnold Schwarzenegger & Rudy Giuliani

Professor Peter Singer holds the "Josef Mengele" Chair of Bioethics at Princeton. A tenured professor of bioethics, he has bravely espoused his beliefs for abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide, despite personal threats and malicious protests. He logically reasons: "When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is killed . . . Therefore, if killing the hemophiliac infant has no adverse effects on the others, it would, according to the total view, be right to kill him. The main point is clear: killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Very often it is not wrong at all." He also states that "children less than one month old have no human consciousness and do not have the same rights as others." Makes sense to me, the ancients who exposed and abandoned defective and/or unwanted children to the elements were on the right track. We have to return to it!

Kim Gandy is the newly elected head of the National Organization for Women. A defender of abortion rights and lesbian love, she rightly observes that it makes no sense for surrogate mothers to make money from their bodies while prostitutes are prohibited from doing likewise. The former increases the population crisis while the latter gives pleasure to those with rights. "How can I rent my uterus, but not my vagina? They're only an inch apart."

Catherine MacKinnon & Andrea Dworkin alerted us to the fact that in a society where females are oppressed by males, there is an effective equivalence between consensual heterosexual intercourse and rape. "Giving birth to a male child is to be raped twice!"

Patricia Ireland is the past president of NOW and has done much in the cause for global feminism. Even her enemies are now taking note. The right-wing Christian extremist Pat Robertson tried to denounce the five tenets of feminism as evil: 1. kill your children; 2. leave your husbands; 3. practice witchcraft; 4. destroy capitalism; and 5. become lesbians. Patricia immediately returned, "Four out of five ain't bad." Good for you, Patricia. We all know that true feminism seeks to expand many elements of capitalism! Afterall, the abortion industry now ranks within the top 500 money-making efforts in the country.

Kate Michelman is the president of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League. She wisely left the Catholic Church and its defunct morality when she was faced with a runaway husband and an unwanted pregnancy. When Roe versus Wade was settled, she felt vindicated from the guilt that fanatics sought to heap upon her and other women. "The right to choose an abortion is a fundamental value, a human right." So true Kate, adults have rights, not babies!

Frances Kissling argues against the Catholic/Christian insistance that sexual activity is reserved to marriage and that it must be open to reproduction. "The question of when and under what circumstances sex is permitted is key — and for almost all of Christianity the sacralization of marriage is the problem, for sex is only redeemed in marriage." As the Catholics for Free Choice president, she is a real enemy of the patriarchial Church with its fetus worship and a hero for women's rights and uninhibited sexual expression.

As for the many progressive POLITICIANS, many thanks for involving kids, particularly from Catholic High Schools, in your operations as pages and assistants. You teach them a valuable lesson about tolerance toward alternative lifetyles and involve them firsthand in the movement to affirm abortion rights!


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