Saturday, January 28, 2006

Go for It! You Are Worth It!

Some boys think I am just a BIMBO, but hey, can I help it if I like boys, and a rump in the hay every once-in-a-while?

Okay, I am what they call easy; but think what a loving and peaceful world we would have if everyone were "easy".

I make few demands. All I want is a good time. If it feels good, it is okay. That is the motto I live by.

I have so many friends. All the boys like me. They kiss me and hug me and do all the good stuff with me, yes, even on the first date. Looks are important, but sometimes you would be surprised by the performance of a fat or ugly boy. They have a lot more to prove.

My advice is that women should want to be SEX OBJECTS! It is the surest way for us to take charge, no matter if on a date or in the work office. I get constant presents of jewlery, perfume, candy, and money. The guys show their appreciation to a girl who likes being loved and who has a lot of loving to give.

Pills and condoms are important because an unwanted pregnancy is devastating to waistlines and a healthy outgoing lifestyle. Also, you don't want to give a married boss or boyfriend a reason to resent you and trouble with his wife at home. What spouses do not know will not hurt them. Marriage is unnatural anyway, and so I have no inhibitions about affairs.

One time I dated the whole college football team-- all at the same time-- I woke up with a hangover and naked on the athletic field-- but knew that I had made many new friends and had a good time, too!

You can be like me. Remember, sex is only for RECREATION! It is a holiday without having to go anywhere. So treat yourself as often as you can. Find different people so that you can explore the experience-- I assure you it is something new every time I find a new friend to love.

Go for it! You are worth it!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Listen you old foggies, either jump out of bed and get into action or PULL THE PLUG! Life is for living and you only come this way once. I still hit the bars, go out dancing and flirt my skirt off, if you know what I mean!

Right wing male fanatics and and their brain-washed female slaves are seeking to take away our rights, but don't you let them!

Pleasure and looking out for NUMBER ONE is what it is about in this world. To your own self be true! Don't let anyone tell you what to do, especially some male chauvinistic pig! I AM WOMAN, AND I AM STRONG!

Did you see the pictures of a recent (so-called) RIGHT TO LIFE March in DC? There were hundreds of thousands of teenagers, and a majority GIRLS! What the devil is going on? Maybe their boyfriends, or girlfriends, are too timid to initiate them into the JOY OF SEX? Or maybe they are forced to attend by their parents, pastors and parochial schools? There should be some law against young people, who cannot vote, from lobbying in such ways. It is not like they are complete and whole people, afterall.

Where were my PRO-CHOICE friends? They were down the street, and doing what, having a prayer vigil! Pleeeeease, let us not betray our roots! A patriarchal church and a MAN-made religion will only perpetuate female oppression!

Pray if you must, but pray to the goddess!

We should have gathered in such numbers as to dwarf the million or so fetus-lovers that showed up. Our chants should have drowned theirs out! HELL NO, STAND WITH ROE! HELL NO, STAND WITH ROE!

Baby dolls on a stick, bloodied costumes and vulgar posters-- this annual march in January is the worst obscenity we have to face each year.


That's one of our cries, but why are our numbers getting smaller? Sure we have Hollywood on our side, but where are all the new recruits-- and not just for once-a-year protest either?

The anti-abortion fanatics are about their interventions all year, but do you know how hard it is to get free volunteers for Planned Parenthood. Everyone wants to be paid! Fortunately, the money keeps coming in from abortions-- you should see the house and car it has earned me!

As I get older I realize that money is power and there is a lot of money in ABORTION. If you are thinking about the sex business, here is an ideal one for you and most states make it impossible to prosecute botched abortions. Afterall, a technician is not a doctor.

So tell the boys to give lots of lov'in to their honeys and then we can reap the profits, while offering a needed service in the cause of equality!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Unborn Are NOT Victims of Violence

Ashley Lyons, age 18, and "her unborn son Landon" were murdered in Scott County, Kentucky, on January 7, 2004. In the eyes of Kentucky law, the crime had a single victim.

This is as it should be, but now certain legislators are getting involved where they do not belong. If the law is changed and this becomes a DOUBLE HOMICIDE, then anti-choice forces will apply the law to women seeking abortions.

There are NO UNBORN VICTIMS of violence!

I certainly feel sorry for this poor girl, but I have no feelings whatsoever for the discharge that died with her. Holding, praying over, and crying about the fetus was something that her family should not have been allowed to do. It is unsanitary and certainly violates health codes.

We have to lobby Senate Democrats to block Republicans under Bill Frisk in the Senate. Thank goodness, we have pro-choice advocates like Democratic Senator Tom Daschle who has pledged obstruction and the filibustering of the Laci and Conner's Law.

To all such people who lose a fetus because of accident or assault, you did not have a baby or a person to cry over! No child died!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006



This is it girls! If Alito gets on the court, Roe versus Wade is finished. Catholics will be the majority on the Supreme Court and four of the five will be radically anti-choice. We have to stop Alito or the shift is guaranteed. Women will again be murdered in backroom abortions and the blood will be on the hands of vicious Republicans and passive Democrats.