Go for It! You Are Worth It!
Some boys think I am just a BIMBO, but hey, can I help it if I like boys, and a rump in the hay every once-in-a-while?
Okay, I am what they call easy; but think what a loving and peaceful world we would have if everyone were "easy".
I make few demands. All I want is a good time. If it feels good, it is okay. That is the motto I live by.
I have so many friends. All the boys like me. They kiss me and hug me and do all the good stuff with me, yes, even on the first date. Looks are important, but sometimes you would be surprised by the performance of a fat or ugly boy. They have a lot more to prove.
My advice is that women should want to be SEX OBJECTS! It is the surest way for us to take charge, no matter if on a date or in the work office. I get constant presents of jewlery, perfume, candy, and money. The guys show their appreciation to a girl who likes being loved and who has a lot of loving to give.
Pills and condoms are important because an unwanted pregnancy is devastating to waistlines and a healthy outgoing lifestyle. Also, you don't want to give a married boss or boyfriend a reason to resent you and trouble with his wife at home. What spouses do not know will not hurt them. Marriage is unnatural anyway, and so I have no inhibitions about affairs.
One time I dated the whole college football team-- all at the same time-- I woke up with a hangover and naked on the athletic field-- but knew that I had made many new friends and had a good time, too!
You can be like me. Remember, sex is only for RECREATION! It is a holiday without having to go anywhere. So treat yourself as often as you can. Find different people so that you can explore the experience-- I assure you it is something new every time I find a new friend to love.
Go for it! You are worth it!