Beware of Stupid Priests' Blogs!
I have looked at the Blog of a priest and I cannot keep my peace! He knows who he is! He is the biggest bastard on the Internet! Where does he get off pontificating on everything— telling people their business?
This is what I told him:
As a woman and as an enlightened person, I will frankly tell you that I oppose virtually everything you write about! You act as if God is some uptight anal retentive male who votes Republican and who delights in controlling others! Sorry, but this is not my God. If a higher power exists, I suspect that he has given us liberty to pretty much find our own way.
ABOUT ABORTION – Some blob of cells or embryo is not a child and is not a human being worth saving. It is not viable and in any case, the choice belongs to a woman and her doctor. Government and fanatical ministers have no place in this discussion! A young girl impregnated by her father or by some bastard priest should not be forced to carry the fetus to term! Parental notification allows an abuser parent to perpetuate his abuse on his daughter, thus destroying her life. You would force women to carry monstrosities and retarded fetuses in the womb to birth; you care nothing about the expense, sacrifice, and whatever else this entails. Women might have health problems where a pregnancy is a death sentence; here too, you insist on NO EXCEPTIONS and impose skull-and-crossbones upon her. A girl is raped by her boyfriend. Sorry, they have no baby unless it is conceived in love. She should get rid of it and go on with her life.
ABOUT CONTRACEPTION – Pills, IUDs and rubbers are the great equalizers! Now there is no dual standard where men can sow their wild oats and women are brushed aside as harlots and used women. I like sex and there is no reason I should wait until marriage (a stupid piece of paper) to get me some. I am a woman and I like sleeping with men. If a guy is friendly and clean, hell yes, I want to f**k him and have oral sex, too! As long as it does not hurt anyone, what does it matter? I should not be forced to get pregnant for just having a good time. No way, I want pleasure without consequences.
FORNICATION - The word “fornication” is your word, not mine. Sex outside of marriage is perfectly natural. Every guy wants it, and when women like me get a taste of it, there is no turning back. It is fun and develops close relationships. There is nothing like waking up naked in the arms of some boy you have had the night before. I am completely opposed on limits. Freedom is only freedom when it is not boxed in by silly rules. If I want to go to bed with two guys, or three guys, or a girl thrown in— that is my choice! Unless you have tried it, you have no right to talk. I would encourage anyone to get naked with friends and to explore their bodies and sensations. Touch should not be outlawed! Kisses along my legs, my stomach, my breasts, and all the actions that go along with them-- YES! Oh, my mouth waters for my next experience! You can eat like a pig or drink yourself into a stupor and that is considered okay! But if I should like my boyfriends and multiple orgasms, you call me a slut and say that it is wrong! Who are you to judge me or anyone like me? I bet all your friends are young homeschooled virgins and children; do you play it safe celibate man? Hah! I could tell you stories about some priests I have known, although it is refreshing that a few might like a piece of adult female ass over a little boy’s shame.
This one priest I drove nuts. I wore a low cut blouse and shorts up to my ass. I could see the reaction in his pants. That night I had him in my bed. It was the worst f**k I ever had. He did not have a clue how to pleasure a woman. You would have thought all that pent-up passion would have been like an atomic explosion. Instead, it was a quick slam-bam-thank you-mam! You are all hypocrites and liars, about this I am positive. You are secret masturbators and voyeurs! Nevertheless, you presume that you can counsel others?
HOMOSEXUALITY – While I prefer Johns to Janes, (I like the male equipment better), it makes for an interesting change once-in-a-while. It also helps a woman to better know her body by knowing another woman’s. I am not very knowledgeable about man-on-man action, but that is their business. Everyone needs to find love in her or her own way.
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