Exploit the Exploiters
Sisters, you have more power than you know. You can play men for all they are worth, and now without fear of pregnancy. The time is ours. We can flirt with them and they like it so much they become as putty in our hands. However, if they flirt with us, we can immediately charge them with sexual harrassment. Either way, we win. Money, job security and advancement, and as much sex as we can handle-- all this is ours for the taking.
Abortion is making possible the advancement of women and giving us many more lifestyle options. Many of us have found the ideal to be one where we renounce men altogether for relationships with other females. However, we can still tease men to get what we want. Men find lesbians a particular challenge to their poor male egos. At present we still need their genetic contribution for offspring. Abortion insures that it will always be FEMALE. Others may still enjoy the company of men, but be warned, they will use you as toys if they get the chance. USE THEM FIRST!
Cloning research promises a day when we will be able to reproduce without men at all. Research on aborted babies will make that day come all the faster. Who knows, perhaps there will one day be a ban on males because of their troubling testerone? (Having said this, testerone injections can make a woman into a real warrior princess!)
Contraception is moving forward in leaps and bounds. The morning after pill can be prescribed and abortion medications may soon be available over the counter. There is no longer anything to fear. YOU GO FOR IT GIRL!
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