A Gay Ol' Time for Washington Catholics
An advocacy group (ALWAYS OUR CHILDREN-- named after the American bishops' letter largely composed by Cardinal McCarrick) runs out of the Cathedral of St. Matthew (started by Msgr. Jameson) and the gays have spread the word that they will find it a welcoming environment. It must be admitted that the gay choirs have made a big improvement in music there.
Anyway, a New Ways representative spoke to the advocacy group at the Cathedral some time back and now New Ways is going to have a workshop on Saturday, March 12 at the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (8380 Colesville Road #300, Silver Spring, MD 20910). The speakers include Brother Terence Cant, CFC, who is a member of the Congregation of Christian Brothers. He is currently finishing his Doctor of Ministry degree at San Francisco Theological Seminary. He is a Program Specialist for New Ways Ministry. The other facilitator is Francis DeBernardo who is the Director of Writing at the University of Maryland and the Executive Director for New Ways Ministry.
(By the way the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas have official standing in the Church and are in the Archdiocesan and National Catholic Directories!)
Brochures for this event were sent to parishes in Washington, DC, Virginia and Maryland.
I called the Washington chancery and all they would say was that "We know about it." The voice did not sound happy.
The worshop is entitled, BUILDING BRIDGES - Gay and Lesbian Catholics and the Church.
Here is what the brochure said:
"Discussing gay and lesbian persons and their place in the Church can be challenging. Faith communities question whether to reach out to the gay and lesbian community while lesbian and gay people wonder if they can claim both their faith and their identity. Anger, fear, alienation and misinformation threaten our ability to talk to one another. Yet, we are called to be one Church. We must build bridges of faith and reconciliation."
"Through education, story-telling, dialogue and prayer, this workshop will help participants deepen their understanding of our tradition's wisdom, provide reliable information about the lives of lesbian/gay persons, and strengthen commitments to building bridges between gay/lesbian people and the Catholic Church."
"Drawing upon Scripture, tradition, sexual ethics, social justice and pastoral practice, the workshop is especially valuable for pastoral ministers, religious educators, youth ministers, parents, priests, men and women in religious life, helping professionals, gay/lesbian people."
9 AM - Registration & Coffee or Tea
9:15 AM - Welcome & Introductions
9:45 AM - Video: A Journey of Understanding (Archdiocese of Los Angeles)
11 AM - The Church: What Do We Really Teach?
12 PM - Small Group Discussion
12:30 PM - Bag Lunch
1 PM - Gay/Lesbian Youth and "Coming Out"
1:45 PM - Video: De Colores: Lesbian/Gay Latinos
2:15 PM - Always Our Children: The Church and Parents of Gay/Lesbian Children
2:45 PM - Break
3 PM - Pastoral Planning
4 PM - Departure
REGISTRATION FEE is $45 mailed in & $55 at the door
PAYABLE TO News Ways Ministry, 4012 29th St., Mt. Rainier, MD 20712