Friday, June 03, 2005

NAACP Joins the Fight for Abortion & Infanticide!

During its quarterly meeting in New York on February 21, the NAACP board of directors adopted a resolution supporting the April 25th national pro-abortion march, which is co-sponsored by leading abortion advocacy groups such as NARAL, Planned Parenthood and NOW.

The NAACP Board, during its quarterly meeting February 21 in New York, unanimously approved a resolution that also urges "all who believe in equal rights" to attend the "March for Women's Lives" pro-choice rally in Washington, D.C. on April 25, 2004.

The resolution, introduced by Board member Rupert Richardson, noted that 80 years ago, Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, one of the association's founders, said every woman must have the right of procreation "at her own discretion."

Moreover, the resolution said: "A woman denied the right to control her own body is denied equal protection of the law, a right the NAACP has fought for and defended for nearly 100 years."

NAACP Board Chair Julian Bond said, "This is an issue of equal rights, and we are pleased to join those insisting on a woman's right to control her own body."

In addition to Bond, the NAACP is led by president Kwesi Mfume, a former Maryland congressman. During his tenure in office, Mfume built a consistent pro-abortion voting record. YES, he even supported PARTIAL BIRTH INFANTICIDE!!! Good for him!

We are ever so happy that our black brothers and sisters have come up with the sure-fire way to eradicate tension between the races-- by eventually taking themselves out of the picture entirely. What abortion is doing for whites in Europe, it will do for blacks in the United States. Now if we could only get those Hispanics on board. 38% of all abortions here in the States are performed upon women of color. And yet, they only represent 14% of potential baby-producing mammas. Even if blacks should become extinct in the U.S., we all know there are plenty more where they came from in Mother Africa.

We are also exuberant that the Catholics are not being allowed off the hook. Recently, categorizing the Catholic University of America as a batch of Uncle Toms, the NAACP President, Kweisi Mfume, threatened the school with litigation and forced them to accept a NAACP chapter on their campus. Congratulations on a job well done. Don't worry about all that black genocide talk-- remember, there is a big difference between the chicken and the egg. Chickens, I mean people, have rights, scrambled eggs do not!

This is the first time in its 95-year history that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Board of Directors has endorsed the principle that women have the right to equal access to family planning materials, information and CHOICE when it comes to birth control.

Women of color are predominately PRO-CHOICE.

No dissent on this issue can be allowed. I think we can be assured that any so-called promises to CUA that the chapter will avoid abortion promotion is just empty chatter-- thank the goddess! Evidence of this is how one chapter was barred from submitting an anti-abortion resolution at the national convention in 2004.

The Macon Georgia NAACP Chapter complains that it was barred from submitting a resolution that spelled out the toll abortion has taken on African Americans. The chapter was told that the resolution would not be accepted because the chapter did not file its required financial reports, even though they were filed long before the cut-off date-- hehe! Loretta Grier, the chapter president, insisted, that "Even if resolutions are rejected, they are usually printed for delegates to view. The resolution wasn't even given that due process; I am deeply troubled by all this."

Poor crybaby, didn't get your way! What are you, a Catholic or something? She should be replaced as president. If the chapter refuses, it should have its charter removed. There is no choice to be anti-choice.

Accept the NAACP's endorsement of abortion rights. We support the NAACP in censoring and barring such an anti-choice resolution!

Every day 1,452 brave Afro-American women terminate their leeching unborn babies. How can we get ahead, if we are stuck at home with some lazy bum's brat? No , abortion must be maintained. Our happiness demands it. If 81 percent of these women have some psychological complaint afterwards, well, it makes us tougher for the fight. Ours is a brave new world that will not be stifled by the backward and decadent morality of prudish Christians and other right-wing fanatics.

We urge the NAACP not to back down from their historic stand. A faulty poll from Black Enterprise Magazine showed that nearly 60% of African Americans disapprove of the NAACP decision. Don't you believe it! Abortion rates prove it is popular and it brings needed revenue into the black community. You on the board are the leaders of the black community. You TELL them what to do. Years of slavery and oppression have made them submissive and pliable to authority. Allow no caucus on the question. The wrong people would press their agenda.

The statistics give us much cause for rejoicing:
  • African-American women make up 13.7 percent of the U.S. population of women of childbearing age, yet the abortion rate among black women is three times higher than of white women.
  • For every five African-American women that get pregnant, three will abort.
  • Since the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973, more than 14 million black infant's lives have been terminated by abortion.

Here is proof positive that the NAACP is in perfect sync with our black women and that Afro-American families should all embrace a contraceptive and abortifacient way of thinking and acting.


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