Sunday, May 08, 2005

I Want You, Not Your Baby!

The Assault of Men - Let us be ever mindful of those wise words spoken by one of our sisters in the fight: "To have sex with any man is to be raped; to carry and give birth to a male child is to be raped twice!" Amniocenteses allows us to check the gender of a child. More traditional x-rays and scans are available later. Keep all abortion legal (including partial birth) so that our bondage may come to an end. Put a priority on aborting male babies.

Word Games - Never forget the basic rules of the game. We call ourselves PRO-CHOICE, not pro-abortion. The unborn baby is never a "him" or a "her" but always an "it". Never acknowledge a child in the womb but speak of the WOMAN'S BODY. This reduces pregnancy from a "blessing" to an "unfortunate accident". Never refer to the unborn as a human being, but rather as an EMBRYO or FETUS. Don't allow conversations to dwell on any right to life but rather, speak about how terrible it would be for a child to be adopted and raised by strangers.

Too Many Games? - Sometimes I think we get too carried away by word games, but they remain necessary if we are to add the political clout of feminist slackers to our cause. All insiders should be well aware that the embryo and fetus are indeed human lives. Partial birth allows us to eradicate full-term babies. Harden yourselves from any sentiment. Remember these words spoken by a courageous sister: "It is not a matter of a baby, but of my body. There is no baby worth mentioning unless I claim it."

Infanticide - Actually, our enemies have it right. Partial birth abortion is infanticide. However, we want to encourage this slippery slope. A poor girl who failed to have an abortion because of fear, uncertainty, or coercion should have the right to kill the immediate discharge from her body. It is proper for a woman to destroy the young leeching parasite against her freedom during the time it is not self-sustainable or practically viable outside the womb. As a wise Australian (male) professor of ethics has remarked: "Logically infanticide should be made legal for at least the first year and maybe up to three years after birth. You cannot be pro-choice and anti-infanticide. It is the same thing." It seems there may be a few men who have it right!


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