Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Monday, May 09, 2005
NOW Comes to a Mother's Defense
Critics claim that NOW opposes motherhood. Nothing could be further from the truth. Rather, we support women against an unjust legal system and a host of pregnancy induced ailments. Women should not be punished for utilizing reproductive CHOICE, either in abortion or in subsequent terminations. Turn back the clock on pregnancy and children, NOT on reproductive rights! Note this example:
The National Organization for Women and other understanding groups helped to raise money to defend Andrea Yates -- the mother accused of drowning her five children in the bathtub -- in part to assist others suffering from postpartum depression.
Deborah Bell, president of the Texas NOW stated: "It gives us a platform for something that obviously needs education. One of our feminist beliefs is to be there for other women. Some good may come out of this tragedy."
NOW and other groups held a candlelight vigil for the mistreated and misunderstood mother, establishing the Andrea Pia Yates Support Coalition. Let us face facts, this woman merely did what should have been done in the first place. She did nothing wrong and does not deserve punishment. If anything, her husband deserves to be arrested and given the death penalty in her stead for making her pregnant in the first place. But, we can forgive him, if the authorities can forgive her. In any case, she was sick because of the children. What happened was more their fault than hers.
All religious believers should pray to their god(s) or goddess(es) for her swift vindication and release.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
I Want You, Not Your Baby!
The Assault of Men - Let us be ever mindful of those wise words spoken by one of our sisters in the fight: "To have sex with any man is to be raped; to carry and give birth to a male child is to be raped twice!" Amniocenteses allows us to check the gender of a child. More traditional x-rays and scans are available later. Keep all abortion legal (including partial birth) so that our bondage may come to an end. Put a priority on aborting male babies.
Word Games - Never forget the basic rules of the game. We call ourselves PRO-CHOICE, not pro-abortion. The unborn baby is never a "him" or a "her" but always an "it". Never acknowledge a child in the womb but speak of the WOMAN'S BODY. This reduces pregnancy from a "blessing" to an "unfortunate accident". Never refer to the unborn as a human being, but rather as an EMBRYO or FETUS. Don't allow conversations to dwell on any right to life but rather, speak about how terrible it would be for a child to be adopted and raised by strangers.
Too Many Games? - Sometimes I think we get too carried away by word games, but they remain necessary if we are to add the political clout of feminist slackers to our cause. All insiders should be well aware that the embryo and fetus are indeed human lives. Partial birth allows us to eradicate full-term babies. Harden yourselves from any sentiment. Remember these words spoken by a courageous sister: "It is not a matter of a baby, but of my body. There is no baby worth mentioning unless I claim it."
Infanticide - Actually, our enemies have it right. Partial birth abortion is infanticide. However, we want to encourage this slippery slope. A poor girl who failed to have an abortion because of fear, uncertainty, or coercion should have the right to kill the immediate discharge from her body. It is proper for a woman to destroy the young leeching parasite against her freedom during the time it is not self-sustainable or practically viable outside the womb. As a wise Australian (male) professor of ethics has remarked: "Logically infanticide should be made legal for at least the first year and maybe up to three years after birth. You cannot be pro-choice and anti-infanticide. It is the same thing." It seems there may be a few men who have it right!
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Exploit the Exploiters
Sisters, you have more power than you know. You can play men for all they are worth, and now without fear of pregnancy. The time is ours. We can flirt with them and they like it so much they become as putty in our hands. However, if they flirt with us, we can immediately charge them with sexual harrassment. Either way, we win. Money, job security and advancement, and as much sex as we can handle-- all this is ours for the taking.
Abortion is making possible the advancement of women and giving us many more lifestyle options. Many of us have found the ideal to be one where we renounce men altogether for relationships with other females. However, we can still tease men to get what we want. Men find lesbians a particular challenge to their poor male egos. At present we still need their genetic contribution for offspring. Abortion insures that it will always be FEMALE. Others may still enjoy the company of men, but be warned, they will use you as toys if they get the chance. USE THEM FIRST!
Cloning research promises a day when we will be able to reproduce without men at all. Research on aborted babies will make that day come all the faster. Who knows, perhaps there will one day be a ban on males because of their troubling testerone? (Having said this, testerone injections can make a woman into a real warrior princess!)
Contraception is moving forward in leaps and bounds. The morning after pill can be prescribed and abortion medications may soon be available over the counter. There is no longer anything to fear. YOU GO FOR IT GIRL!
Friday, May 06, 2005
Pro-Choice Champion Award
1993 - Catherine MacKinnon & Andrea Dworkin
1994 - Pat Ireland & Sharon Pratt Kelly & Eleanor Holmes Norton
1995 - Kate Michelman & Frances Kissling & Eleanor Smeal
1996 - Gloria Feldt & Dianne Feinstein & Barbara Milkuski
1997 - Jesse Jackson & Ted Kennedy & Barbara Boxer
1998 - Connie Morela & Kathleen Townsend Kennedy & Steny Hoyer
1999 - Hilliary Clinton & Bill Clinton & Paul Sarbanes
2000 - Al Gore & Tipper Gore & Joseph Lieberman
2001 - Peter Singer & Kim Gandy & Gloria Steinem
2002 - David Satcher, MD & Ann Richards & Nancy Pelosi
2003 - Madeline Albright & Whoopi Goldberg & Tyne Daly
2004 - John Kerry & John Edwards & Kweisi Mfume
2005 - Arlen Spector & Arnold Schwarzenegger & Rudy Giuliani
Professor Peter Singer holds the "Josef Mengele" Chair of Bioethics at Princeton. A tenured professor of bioethics, he has bravely espoused his beliefs for abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide, despite personal threats and malicious protests. He logically reasons: "When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is killed . . . Therefore, if killing the hemophiliac infant has no adverse effects on the others, it would, according to the total view, be right to kill him. The main point is clear: killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Very often it is not wrong at all." He also states that "children less than one month old have no human consciousness and do not have the same rights as others." Makes sense to me, the ancients who exposed and abandoned defective and/or unwanted children to the elements were on the right track. We have to return to it!
Kim Gandy is the newly elected head of the National Organization for Women. A defender of abortion rights and lesbian love, she rightly observes that it makes no sense for surrogate mothers to make money from their bodies while prostitutes are prohibited from doing likewise. The former increases the population crisis while the latter gives pleasure to those with rights. "How can I rent my uterus, but not my vagina? They're only an inch apart."
Catherine MacKinnon & Andrea Dworkin alerted us to the fact that in a society where females are oppressed by males, there is an effective equivalence between consensual heterosexual intercourse and rape. "Giving birth to a male child is to be raped twice!"
Patricia Ireland is the past president of NOW and has done much in the cause for global feminism. Even her enemies are now taking note. The right-wing Christian extremist Pat Robertson tried to denounce the five tenets of feminism as evil: 1. kill your children; 2. leave your husbands; 3. practice witchcraft; 4. destroy capitalism; and 5. become lesbians. Patricia immediately returned, "Four out of five ain't bad." Good for you, Patricia. We all know that true feminism seeks to expand many elements of capitalism! Afterall, the abortion industry now ranks within the top 500 money-making efforts in the country.
Kate Michelman is the president of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League. She wisely left the Catholic Church and its defunct morality when she was faced with a runaway husband and an unwanted pregnancy. When Roe versus Wade was settled, she felt vindicated from the guilt that fanatics sought to heap upon her and other women. "The right to choose an abortion is a fundamental value, a human right." So true Kate, adults have rights, not babies!
Frances Kissling argues against the Catholic/Christian insistance that sexual activity is reserved to marriage and that it must be open to reproduction. "The question of when and under what circumstances sex is permitted is key — and for almost all of Christianity the sacralization of marriage is the problem, for sex is only redeemed in marriage." As the Catholics for Free Choice president, she is a real enemy of the patriarchial Church with its fetus worship and a hero for women's rights and uninhibited sexual expression.
As for the many progressive POLITICIANS, many thanks for involving kids, particularly from Catholic High Schools, in your operations as pages and assistants. You teach them a valuable lesson about tolerance toward alternative lifetyles and involve them firsthand in the movement to affirm abortion rights!
Thursday, May 05, 2005
BAN Mother's & Father's Day
Congratulations to Rodeph Sholom Day School on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for their progressive and fair thinking. Because it wrongly hurt the feelings of same-sex couples, Mother's Day and Father's Day were deleted from the school calendar. Ah, justice comes to the pricey private schools, but one day it will include all the public schools as well.
Cindi Samson, director of the lower elementary division, wrote, "I am writing this letter to inform you that after much thought and discussion this past year, we will not be celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day. At this time, these holidays are not needed to enhance our writing and arts programs. Second, families in our society are now diverse and varied. We are a school with many different family makeups, and we need to recognize the emotional well-being of all the children in our school. Holidays that serve no educational purpose and are not vital to the children's education need to be evaluated in terms of their importance in a school setting, as the recognition of these holidays in a social setting may not be a positive experience for all children."
This is a wonderful early effort to undermine the defunct traditional family structure! Things are a changing! Mother's and Father's Day are ludicrous! What does a test-tube baby celebrate, Petri-dish Day or Artificial Insemination Day? The holidays discriminate against single people without the bondage to children and lesbian couples with kids (girls we hope!). What about women inseminated by an anonymous donor? How do you think the child feels on Father's Day? No, the holidays have got to go and the conventional understanding of motherhood and fatherhood.
Between school and daycare and nursuries, kids barely know their parents. They can bond with their peers and with people trained to mold them properly for our new society. Given the backward notions of so many parents, the less time kids spend with them, the better!
Cindi Samson was right to consider the needs of same-sex parents. When challenged, she said, "One is, it didn't serve an academic and educational need. Number two, families are changing. Some children were very uncomfortable."
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
School Cross-Dressing for Gay Recognition Week
Stanton Middle School in Delaware shocked a few and gladdened many others by their request that all students cross-dress. Shades of Victor/Victoria, albeit without the music, was the theme of the day. As for those who were shocked, they were no doubt prejudiced against transvestites and other homosexual minorities. The superintendant of the Red Clay School District told one upset parent this was simply another kind of dress-up day. Ah, politicians are such timid creatures; but, we know the truth! There is no need to downplay such efforts. Our children must be desensitized from the old mindset of backward thinking homophobes.
We thank the principal for deliberately trying to push the homosexual/lesbian agenda on the young. We have to get them while they are still impressionable. The activity coincided with Gay Recognition Week. Strut your stuff kids, and remember, there are no unwanted babies in same-sex relations!
"... our efforts as educators must not be directed to restoring the past order of morality but to participating in creating a new one... when it is shed there will be a new moral order to take it's place... a counterculture that will burst through the surface."
(Roberta T. Ash; "Durkheim's Moral Education Reconsidered: Toward the Creation of a Counterculture". In SCHOOL REVIEW, November, 1971, p. 112)
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
NEA: Friend to Gays & CHOICE
It is a great time to be alive. The NEA-GLC Caucus can flaunt its power with little or no resistence from sleeping parents and right-wing legislators. Everyone is afraid of our power! Gay and lesbian activists have become the most influential single group within the NEA convention. They distribute their action plans displaying the NEA logo, they advertise numerous caucuses and convention events, they flaunt their buttons and booths, and they have succeeded in weaving their agenda into about a dozen resolutions passed by the nearly 9,000 convention delegates. Yes, Gay Power rules!
For several years, "diversity" has been the code word for the gay/lesbian agenda. A one-word change in the Diversity resolution this year is significant and telling. Last year's resolution said that "education should increase tolerance." This year, "tolerance" was changed to "acceptance." One of the handouts boasted: "Diversity is the word and acceptance is the order." Yes, baby, we've got them now!
The NEA Gay Lesbian Caucus (NEA-GLC) celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. Prior to 1987, the handful of gays who attended the NEA convention caucused under the name "Ichabod Crane Debating Society." One of the delegates in Atlanta commented, "In the '70s you couldn't even mention the words 'gay' or 'homosexual' without getting booed off the [convention] floor."
They've come a long way since then. The NEA-GLC newsletter boasted: "NEA Board hosts GLC leaders." The NEA-GLC's headline attraction in Atlanta was Candace Gingrich, lesbian sister of Newt. She spoke at the caucus dinner on July 5 and was one of the personalities featured in a video shown at noon on the Fourth of July.
At another lesbian caucus, the big feature was a 90-minute video entitled "It's Elementary: Teaching About Gay Issues in School." This video shows how psychological manipulation in the classroom can be used to change children's home-taught attitudes and beliefs about homosexuality.
The NEA-GLC was not the only gay/lesbian caucus at the Atlanta convention. The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Teachers Network (GLSTN) advertised book and video lists and internet resources, and the NEA Peace & Justice Caucus promoted the video "It's Elementary," calling it "masterful."
The NEA-GLC newsletters are informative. One article, entitled "Bill Clinton deserves our support for President," listed many examples of his "genuine commitment on our issues," such as, "Appointed gay/lesbian friendly Ruth Bader Ginsberg to the U.S. Supreme Court." Another article showed a picture of a New York City protest with demonstrators carrying signs stating "Fact: 74% of NYC school kids don't have 'traditional' families."
The NEA's Human & Civil Rights Action Sheet (marked with the NEA logo) sets forth the NEA's gay/lesbian agenda, including the plans to change classroom instruction, counseling programs, libraries, school-wide events, in-service training, and attitudes. Its blunt recommendations to teachers are:
* Work with the school district, the parent-teacher organization, and community groups to provide information to other members, parents, and counselors about the developmental and health needs of gay, lesbian, and bisexual students.
* Provide training to enable selected staff to become resources to members on gay, lesbian, and bisexual student issues.
* Recommend to the school district that in-service programs address gay, lesbian, and bisexual concerns; and that the library include positive learning materials about gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.
* Encourage the establishment and maintenance of peer support and community self-help programs for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students.
* Work with the school district to develop or expand school policy and curricula, including accurate portrayals of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals throughout history, and to ensure respect for diversity, including gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.
* Participate in coalitions to improve support and services for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students.
In other news, the NEA defeated the anti-abortion forces again. At every convention, the anti-CHOICE terrorists (calling themselves pro-life) make an effort to move the NEA to a position of neutrality on abortion, believing that the giant teachers union should not lobby on one side of this vital issue.
This year, they proposed Amendment 8 to the NEA Constitution which read: "To create a new section in Bylaw 11 (General Finance) entitled Budget Restrictions requiring the Secretary-Treasurer to ensure to the NEA membership that no General Fund monies are expended for abortion lobbying activities."
It failed by a vote of 2,408 to 5,748, which was 30% to 70%. Yes, we own the NEA! Prolifers (their designation, not ours) were encouraged that their percentage of support is increasing every year. But, let us face it, they still lost! We need to return to our crafty shenanigans from previous years, insuring that such a matter is denied a fair vote. The clock must not be turned back!
Along with the NEA, we must declare war on the "Radical Right." The NEA convention adopted New Business Item 18, which requires the NEA to "survey all state and local affiliates requesting information they may have concerning the funding of radical [right] groups by various corporate and family foundations . . . and disseminate a list of such organizations for information and possible boycott." The word "right" was deleted during the floor debate, but there is no doubt about the purpose of this directive.
Its stated rationale was that "corporate and foundation funding has been key to the success of the radical right." In response to a delegate who asked for a definition of the term "radical," the chair responded, "Radicals are those who are historically operating in our community to destroy our school system and turn it over to individuals."
At a workshop on the "Radical Right" held during the convention, a packet of materials was distributed giving detailed information on 30 conservative, pro-family oganizations which the NEA labeled "radical right." This packet also confirmed the close working relationship for this strategy between the NEA and People for the American Way (another wonderful group).
Fight on my sisters to victory!
Monday, May 02, 2005
The MORE, the Merrier!
The NOW Gang has come up with a new cause...
The Utah chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) has come out in favor of polygamy. "Polygamy can be a solution to the day care problem...allowing women to have multiple spouses.." said Lucy Melon, Vice Chairman of the Utah chapter of NOW. This was in response to a story reported in the Fall issue of The Women's Quarterly Magazine that prior and current leadership supported polygamy. "If NOW Is about anything it's about CHOICE. NOW supports an expanded family...including polygamous relationships," declared Robin Frodge, Utah NOW member, and National Board Member of NOW.
Just imagine girls, being serviced by a corral of men, maybe we could raise them like stallions or bulls? That way we could reserve true intimacy for our "loving" relationships with other women! The possibilities are endless!
Of course, the usual examples (like the fellow who just recently went to jail in Utah) are men with harems. Given that men are lazy, more hands would make the work easier. Another fringe benefit is that the wives can be bisexual. While the husband is preoccupied with one, an orgy can commence with the rest.
Where do I sign up?
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Love & Sex Has Nothing to Do with Babies!
Liberation is at Hand!
There had long been a double-standard between men and women in regards to their love lives. Good girls were suppose to be prim and proper while every father gloated over his son when he "sowed his oats" among the female "tramps". Thank goodness this mentality is changing. Women are now free to express themselves sexually just as liberally as men. Contraception and particularly abortion make this possible.
"Have Fun, Kill Babies!"
Mean-spirited right-wing religious fanatics will argue that gals should keep their legs crossed and their zippers shut if they don't want babies. Nevertheless, many of these same voices do not mind a roll in the hay when a willing babe is handy. As the title of a Cindi Lauper tune reminds us, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." It is a basic fairness issue. Women are no longer shackled to a biology that has failed to evolve fast enough to fit the modern situation. Most children are not lost by disease, and so there is no need to give birth to litters. One child at most will do, if you are so inclined. Women can fully express themselves sexually without fear of reprecussions. An unwanted pregnancy is nothing other than an assault against freedom itself. The child thus represents an unjust aggressor, one that has to be put down without hesitation or qualification.
In the early history of the race, so-called "natural law" reigned undisturbed. Under its pitiless and unsympathetic iron rule, only the strongest, most courageous could live and become progenitors of the race. The weak died early or were killed. Today, however, civilization has brought sympathy, pity, tenderness and other lofty and worthy sentiments, which interfere with the law of natural selection. We are now in a state where our charities, our compensation acts, our pensions, hospitals, and even our drainage and sanitary equipment all tend to keep alive the sickly and the weak, who are allowed to propagate and in turn produce a race of degenerates.
Margaret Sanger. "Birth Control and Women's Health." Birth Control Review, Volume I, Number 12 (December 1917), page 7.